Your signature system is your unique process to deliver great value and creating Transformational RESULTS for your clients.
If you’re a coach, therapist, healer or transformational professional - having a unique branded process can extremely help you become a sought-after influencer in your industry.
There are six ways, a signature system can help you position your practice uniquely:
1- It helps you stand out as an authority expert
A unique signature system sets the foundation, over which you can expand your coaching practice. Many experts in the industry have honed their unique processes and branded them with unique names.
Danielle LaPorte is a bestselling author of the book The Desire Map. She has workshops and other programs around her signature system, The Desire Map. One of the core messages of The Desire Map is, “ Creating Goals with the Soul”. The memorable name and message has DEEPLY connected with the target audience - who are mainly women with interests in spirituality & personal transformation
2- It helps you increase your credibility
A signature system makes you more credible. It reflects that you are an expert and have done your groundwork for solving a specific problem.
3- It makes your brand more memorable
A unique name of your signature system can really make your brand memorable. There are a few things to consider when choosing a name for your system:
Make sure you highlight the core result/transformation that client would receive
Do your market research if the name is not already taken
If name is available, reserve the domain name and copyrights
4- It helps you deliver high-end value at premium prices.
Many Coaches burn out by charging dollars for hours. You can only earn a certain amount with that model. Delivering your services with a structured package that delivers transformational results lets you charge by VALUE, not by hours. Pricing your signature system based on value and results is the first step to leverage time in your coaching practice. In my own business, I have refined a system over the years called Small Business Flow. It's my premium one-on-one offering that leads my clients from overwhelm to FLOW while multiplying their growth & impact.
5- It serves as a foundation and keeps you grounded
Ever seen someone tossing direction too often?
As much as a signature system can clarify your marketing message, it also supports your business structure internally by helping you stay grounded rather than changing plans every other month.
Many of you in the health transformation space might know JJ Virgin. She is a Celebrity nutrition and fitness expert who teaches clients how to lose weight and master their mindset to live better. The core foundation of her business is “The Virgin Diet” and she has several books and programs that revolve around it.
6- It helps you acquire more Speaking Engagements & PR
Once you have a signature system, you can easily craft a signature presentation around the same topic. It can help you land the right platforms for speaking engagements while filling your pipeline with ideal prospects.
Identify the process you already use or have honed over the years to serve your clients and deliver transformational results. How can you brand it? I would love to hear from you!
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