How I Got Fully Booked On Repeat

I must admit first 3 years of my business, I struggled.

I was pursuing too many ideas.

People took advantage of me.

Collaborated with someone who ditched me after 2 years of hard work.

Worked for someone for a year and didn’t get full payment as promised.

I struggled with boundaries.

Finally, I had to let go of what was not serving me, even when I had invested a lot of time.

I learned some harsh lessons.

I worked with mentors.

I drilled down my focus on ONE main business and started saying NO to all other opportunities.

Things shifted for me when my daughter started nursery.

She was going to the Nursery 3 days a week, for 5 hours :)

This helped me to get laser-focused.

I used those days for business growth activities  - mainly sales & marketing.

During this time, I rolled several free challenges that people loved.

I got consistent with my visibility and it resulted in more clients with ease.

By delivering great results, clients stayed longer and also sent referrals.

Here are three things that made the most difference.

1- You got to be singularly focused.

2- Focus on building your own personal brand.

3- Trust the timing

4- You need the right environment to thrive - for me it was unplugged time for creativity.

5- Your mindset dictates how much are willing to receive.

6- Don’t cling to things, ideas and people - If something doesn’t work, trust God that he has better plans for you.

7- Get really good at filling your pipeline with quality leads and close the sale.

8- Stay detached from the outcomes of a launch or the sales call - show up to connect and serve :)

This was day 03 of my daily writing for 30 days. I am glad it's getting easier every day :)

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